Hoegaarden’s April Fool’s Joke

Yes, so we were right! It was an April Fool’s joke … and a creative one too 🙂 CW, you’re right … if anything, it shows they’re fun at least … and they’re more personal than your average beer company. Here’s what was sent to my friend Jeffery (AKA Tman).

Hoegaarden April Fools Joke

Hoegaarden April Fools Joke

April fools!

Okay … so we’re a few days early. But that’s because starting April 1st, we’re bringing you a whole MONTH of fun! Not only that, since you love Hoegaarden so much, you’ll get an exclusive Hoegaarden Tap Pen and a FREE pint of beer, with our compliments. Check our website on April 1st for details on where you can collect your beer and pen, and how you could win a 30 Pint Beer Pass for the month!


3 Responses

  1. I thought it was for real, how disappointing, but it’s a good joke^^.

  2. Nice one! We guessed it right! As KennyT said, it would have been amazing if it were real, free beer flowing like water at home. And getting a free beer and a pen certainly made the joke much classier. Hats off to my new favorite beer! 🙂

  3. And btw… winning the 30 day beer pass would almost be as good as free flowing beer lol

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